Thursday, 30 June 2011

Baby Sculptures


Camille Allen is a baby sculptress using clays. She used to sculpt large life size dolls in polymer clay but discovered her talents when she formed the bit of clay from leftovers of the larger dolls into a miniature baby, and after she finished it, she was fascinated and felt of protectiveness.For hair she uses English mohair and blushes them with paint for realism to enhance their tiny wrinkles and creases. The baby sculptures she makes looks realistic and can be mistaken for real babies. She sculpts both life size and miniature babies.

Bottomless Cave In Vietnam

This is the world’s largest mammoth cave and the bottom is out of sight. There are jungles inside it. The roof of the cave fell in and let sunlight in and all kinds of vegetation soon followed. It is one of twenty caves that have been found in Vietnam. A local farmer discovered the cave and led the joint British and Vietnamese exploration team in their April expedition. The team mapping the cave got as far as a 46 foot high wall before they were stymied.

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